Friday 18 April 2008

3d images

I'm just testing the picture uploading facility here.I think that the ideal or near ideal size for an image for the purpose of doing a tutorial here would be 200 by 200 for what I plan. Anyway, Ive drawn a closed figure, and partially coloured it red. I'm not too sure about the amount of space allocated for images, Ill check that out and tailor the write ups accordingly.

I tried saving a complete web page in the mht format and pasting it here with all the images embedded, but it didn't seem to work. I intend to continue refining things as time goes on, but if I run out of storage space for my 3d files, I might have to take old stuff down to put the new in, you will see this pattern emerge if that problem arises. I'm also going to modify this little post later on this evening.

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